Mid-term evaluation of Justice Support Program in Kosovo Report


June 30, 2009



Democracy International conducted a mid-term evaluation of USAID’s Justice Support Program (JSP) in Kosovo to assess the project’s progress, recommend adjustments for the remainder of the project, and suggest possible follow-on activities.

DI fielded a team in Kosovo from May to June in 2009 to assess the activities implemented by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). DI’s team gathered information from interviews conducted with various organizations in Kosovo and Washington D.C, including NCSC USAID, U.S Embassy, Kosovo justice system institutions, Kosovo court personnel, institutions related to judicial improvement, and international institutions affecting the Kosovo judicial system. The team also reviewed relevant documents, official reports, and pamphlets.

DI found that JSP’s major project activities were significantly stymied by factors that could not have been anticipated when the project was designed. Notwithstanding these setbacks, the project accomplished many of its goals to improve the Kosovo Judiciary within an ever-changing environment. It was able to standardize court fees and expenses, formulate Disciplinary Committee procedures, and train the Judicial Investigation Unit to undertake quality investigations. DI recommended that JSP should establish the remaining four Model Courts as expeditiously as possible, and should continue to cooperate with the Kosovo Judicial Institute in continuing Legal Education Program and the Magistrate’s school.

Photo Credit: Andrea Anastasakis

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